
Documentation on how this documentation was set up.

Documentation for how to write documentation is under “Contributing”.


Kevin Fu, 5/24/2022

To save myself some time in the future:

The RTD dashboard points to the branch that latest builds under “Advanced Settings” <>.

Also, you can build multiple branches easily, for development of new documentation. Just go to the dashboard, hit Versions, and add whichever branch. It should build automatically, but you can check under Builds. (The alternate versions will have different links, click Builds > <version name> > “view docs”)

Kevin Fu, 5/7/2022

First, big thanks to Oswin So, who wrote this PR setting up most of the framework for these docs. That said, I’ve made some slight changes and it was a pain to figure out, so I’m writing this doc to help anyone who needs to change them in the future.

The biggest change was I added the sphinx-autodoc library, which automatically generates API documentation based on Python docstrings. This will make it easier to figure out what’s going on in the codebase (since docs are searchable and bookmark-able, while code isn’t unless you have good command over a fuzzy finder) and will hopefully encourage people to write docstrings. In theory, Doxygen + Breathe should give the same functionality for C++ code that follows the right format, but as of the time of this writing I haven’t set that up yet.

Also, a lot has changed since Oswin set up Read The Docs support two years ago. The largest change is that Read The Docs switched from building src/ to source/ by default. Between Oswin’s PR and now, Michael Rodyushkin set up static building according to the new convention, without deleting the old src/ file, leaving two configuration files in our docs/ folder. This confused me for a while.

Long story short: Read The Docs (unsurprisingly) has good docs, so if this documentation ever breaks, refer to their docs to fix it.

After resolving that, Oswin’s setup worked. To make sure these files stay up to date on Read The Docs, though, I changed the GitHub webhook to point to a new end URL (since the link in the PR above was broken). This is in our GitHub page under Settings > Webhooks >…). Again, the tutorial by ReadTheDocs is really good in case this ever breaks. This means I am now the maintainer of RC Software’s docs, indefinitely, so when I graduate and someone reading this would like to take that role from me, Slack me.

My changes are in PR #1897.