
This module contains data structures for the Skills level of STP.


Package Contents



Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Atomic single-robot behavior, such as Move or PivotKick. Created and ticked by Tactics. Uses Actions to get RobotIntents.

class stp.skill.ISkill

Bases: abc.ABC

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

class stp.skill.Skill

Bases: abc.ABC

Atomic single-robot behavior, such as Move or PivotKick. Created and ticked by Tactics. Uses Actions to get RobotIntents.

tick(self, world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) rj_msgs.msg.RobotIntent

Logic for Skill goes here. RobotIntents obtained via Actions.

robot state is updated through super call to this method (i.e. super().tick(world_state))

param world_state

Current world state.


A single RobotIntent.

abstract is_done(self, world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) bool

True when skill is done; False otherwise.