
Module Contents



Protocol for CostFn.


Protocol for CostFn.


Protocol for CostFn.


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using




get_simple_role_ids() → List[stp.role.assignment.RoleId]

Creates and returns a list of role ids with skills SkillA, SkillB and SkillC for


Manually create a Requests and check that get_sorted_requests returns a list of

get_tactic_ctx() → stp.tactic.Ctx

Creates a simple tactic context for convenience.

test_get_sorted_requests_multiple() → None

Tests get_sorted_requests with a more complicated example.

test_compute_costs_matrix() → None

Tests the compute_costs_matrix function.

test_assign_prioritized_roles() → None

Tests that for the role requests and free robots above that role assignment

test_assign_roles() → None

Tests that NaiveRoleAssignment.assign_roles assigns HIGH, then MEDIUM, then LOW

test_assign_roles_constrained() → None

Tests that NaiveRoleAssignment.assign_roles respects constraints, ie. even though

test_unassigned_role() → None

test_unassigned_roles() → None

class test_naive_assignment.AssignCostFn

Bases: stp.role.CostFn

Protocol for CostFn.

__call__(self, robot: stp.rc.Robot, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given a robot and the current world state, returns the cost of assigning that robot to a given role. :param robot: The current robot to check costs for. :param world_state: The current world state. :return:

unassigned_cost_fn(self, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given the previous role assigment and current world state, returns the cost of not assigning any robot. :param prev_result: The previous role assignment result. :param world_state: The current world state. :return: cost of not assigning

class test_naive_assignment.UnassignCostFn

Bases: stp.role.CostFn

Protocol for CostFn.

__call__(self, robot: stp.rc.Robot, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given a robot and the current world state, returns the cost of assigning that robot to a given role. :param robot: The current robot to check costs for. :param world_state: The current world state. :return:

unassigned_cost_fn(self, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given the previous role assigment and current world state, returns the cost of not assigning any robot. :param prev_result: The previous role assignment result. :param world_state: The current world state. :return: cost of not assigning

class test_naive_assignment.TestCostFn(fn: Callable[[stp.rc.Robot, Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], stp.rc.WorldState], float])

Bases: stp.role.CostFn

Protocol for CostFn.

__call__(self, robot: stp.rc.Robot, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given a robot and the current world state, returns the cost of assigning that robot to a given role. :param robot: The current robot to check costs for. :param world_state: The current world state. :return:

unassigned_cost_fn(self, prev_result: Optional[stp.role.RoleResult], world_state: stp.rc.WorldState) float

Given the previous role assigment and current world state, returns the cost of not assigning any robot. :param prev_result: The previous role assignment result. :param world_state: The current world state. :return: cost of not assigning

class test_naive_assignment.SkillBase

Bases: stp.skill.ISkill

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

create_request(self) stp.role.RoleRequest
__repr__(self) str

Return repr(self).

class test_naive_assignment.SkillA

Bases: SkillBase

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

class test_naive_assignment.SkillB

Bases: SkillBase

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

class test_naive_assignment.SkillC

Bases: SkillBase

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

class test_naive_assignment.BallSkill

Bases: SkillBase

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

class test_naive_assignment.Skills

Bases: stp.tactic.SkillsEnum

class test_naive_assignment.TacticBase(ctx: stp.tactic.Ctx)

Bases: stp.tactic.ITactic[None]

compute_props(self, prev_props: None) None
tick(self, role_results: stp.tactic.RoleResults, props: None) List[stp.action.IAction]
get_requests(self, world_state: stp.rc.WorldState, props: None) stp.tactic.RoleRequests
test_naive_assignment.get_simple_role_ids() List[stp.role.assignment.RoleId]

Creates and returns a list of role ids with skills SkillA, SkillB and SkillC for TacticBase. :return: List of role ids with skills SkillA, SkillB and SkillC for TacticBase.


Manually create a Requests and check that get_sorted_requests returns a list of three dictionaries, one for each priority level.

test_naive_assignment.get_tactic_ctx() stp.tactic.Ctx

Creates a simple tactic context for convenience. :return: Tactic context containing SkillA, SkillB and SkillC.

test_naive_assignment.test_get_sorted_requests_multiple() None

Tests get_sorted_requests with a more complicated example.

test_naive_assignment.test_compute_costs_matrix() None

Tests the compute_costs_matrix function.


A: Dist to (0, 0) B: Dist to (1, 1) C: Dist to (2, 2)

test_naive_assignment.test_assign_prioritized_roles() None

Tests that for the role requests and free robots above that role assignment returns the expected result.

test_naive_assignment.test_assign_roles() None

Tests that NaiveRoleAssignment.assign_roles assigns HIGH, then MEDIUM, then LOW priority. This is tested by having a MEDIUM priority role request that has a lower cost than a HIGH priority role request, and expecting that the HIGH role request is fulfilled first.

test_naive_assignment.test_assign_roles_constrained() None

Tests that NaiveRoleAssignment.assign_roles respects constraints, ie. even though role_id_a and role_id_ball both are HIGH priority, the robot at (0, 0) has the ball and thus is assigned BALL_SKILL.

This test will fail as has_ball has been removed from Robot thus breaking the ball constraint

test_naive_assignment.test_unassigned_role() None
test_naive_assignment.test_unassigned_roles() None